Tuesday, September 15, 2009

rainy day = museum day!

Wow, what a day I've had! It's been freezing and raining all day, but I had the welcome to history meeting this morning, which was kind of pointless, then I met up with Louise. She wanted to see what other classes there were for her to do, so I showed her the history board and she's going to come to the medieval history lecture tomorrow to see if she likes it. While we were there I found out that contemporary history is at 2, not 12 so I get a lunch break on mondays, yay!). Well, I say that it's not then, it actually is, but it's the 2nd year class that's then, not the first year one.

Because it was such a horrible day, I decided it was museum weather and went to the fabric museum. There was a Franck Sorbier 'haute couture body and soul' exhibition which ends on sunday, which I thought would be good. (Theres loads of couture and costume, dressmaking and individual shops here, apparently Lyon is not only known for it's food but for it's fabric and silk!) Well, it was amazing, stunning and breath-taking. Photos weren't allowed which is such a shame and I feel sorry for anyone who's interested in clothes who misses it. I saw the rest of the museum too (theres a fine arts museum joined on, but to be honest, after seeing the clothes it wasn't very interesting. Pretty much what you see in every museum in an old french building! But the clothes! There were some vintage (and I mean 1800s vintage!) clothes in the fabric museum which were gorgeous, but nothing I've seen can compare to Sorbier's haute couture! I'm going to dream about the clothes for weeks! I was even given a little torch to keep because of half the exhibition being in the dark or almost-dark! There were lights, but they were part of the display, sometimes flashing, sometimes fading, it was such an amazing experience!

I also found out you can hire segways and go on a tour of Lyon! How hilarious is that?! If Robin visits, we might have to do that though! Prices start from 25 euros, but seriously, for a go on a segway and a tour? Pretty good price!

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