Monday, September 14, 2009

Ikea trip!

I woke up really early this morning-very annoying! It was really cold this morning, I had to wear a cardi and a jacket (the french were all in coats) and I decided to leave earlier than I'd planned to go and sort out my timetable. First of all I went to les quais, the second building of lyon 3 university. I think the idea behind the layout is to make you feel like an explorer, as there are actually at least 3 buildings along the river and you've go tto be determined to find something to get to your goal! It almost felt like what Indiana Jones would go through in the city. Deciphering a foreign language, wandering around dark empty buildings and coversing with the locals to try to find what you're after. Eventually I got to the right building and still couldn't find the information I needed until I talked to someone. We'd been given the wrong infromation (it wasn't just me, there were a couple of other girls there asking exactly the same thing as me).

So I went back to manufacture des tabacs (the main campus) and found the information I needed so I've got a timetable all set up now (until the seminars start at least). Monday's a bit crazy, but it's not many modules so I shouldn't get confused between them! Anyway this is what my timetable will look like:
8-10 medieval art
10-12 ancient history
12-2 contemporary history

10-12 medieval history

12-2 French

See, monday's crazy, but it means I have lots of free time and I'm able to do exactly what I wanted. I've got to get up early for a history introductory lecture tomorrow morning and then on wednesday my lectures will start.

So after that was all sorted, I got some photocopies to send to the tube company for cheap travel and sent off all my information so hopefully that will all be sorted soon. I got my bank card too! Yay! Then I went to Ikea.

I got stuff that I needed and went through a SIY checkout (scan it yourself) and went for my traditional Ikea ice cream. Then I discovered they sold macarons! Amazing! So I got one of those instead, it's not too far away, maybe 30 minutes so I can go there for treats when I want (and when I feel homesick, because unlike most people I love Ikea!)

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