Monday, September 28, 2009

25th september

This is what I wrote on the 25th and haven't been able to post until now...
Had a fantastic day today, went to the active dance class and this term we're doing salsa and cha-cha, both latino dances, both fabulous and fun! Before going in, I met a french girl (whose name I can't remember) and we talked loads, and I helped her and another girl out when we were dancing, cos we were at the back and there were about 40-50 people there so it was kind of difficult to see. It went at exactly the right pace, and I can't wait for next week. Apparantly it will be pretty much the same thing, but that will allow me to perfect it! I'm bringing along Chris and Claire next time, too, so we can all learn salsa together and go to the club and dance properly! Next term it's rock and waltz I think! I love it so much!

The strike (it is a strike) on the public transport is still on which sucks. Luckily I'm not into football, the metro that goes to the stadium is being replaced by 2 buses for a big match. Like that's going to be enough!

I found out what the problem is with the internet though, someone put some of their computer info into one of the desktops here, which has messed up the wireless signal, and until whoever did it goes to say who they are or sorts it out themselves, the nets going to be not working. Great. I'm pretty sure that's what the notice said anyway.

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