Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, I've decided I need to go to the supermarket. The only things in my fridge are cheese covered in black from the Pyrenees, milk and cream. I don't even have tins of easy stuff to make in a situation like this! Maybe I'll learn from my mistake and stock up a bit when I go. Or maybe not. I've decided to make pancakes with ham and cheese sauce for dinner tonight, but I have to find a good cheese. Who makes cheese sauce with soft cheese? And I don't want the swiss answer to cheddar that everyone uses (emmental or sometimes gouda. It comes ready-grated in bags. Who said the french don't use ready meals?) I think I might have to go for a blue cheese.
Had a very tiring morning with history, history then history, but a day off tomorrow so thats good. Me, Louise and anyone who wants to come with us are going for sushi in the evening tomorrow so at least I don't have to think about dinner then.
I can't believe how cold its suddenly gotten. The french have been walking around in coats for days, but this is the first day they've actually really needed it. It feels like Paris in February! I've also been bitten to death by mosquitos (like everyone else here) but mine have been pretty much exclusively on the face, so I look like I'v got loads of spots that I won't stop squeezing. Its not the case, they're really itchy bites!
Well, I'd better be off to the supermarket now before I get too lazy/tired. If I do ever have nothing to eat and the shops have all closed, theres a supermarket vending machine nearby which also has a pizza vending machine next to it, if you can believe it!

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